Excel: can you reference cell output for a ... - TechRepublic

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Excel: can you reference cell output for a ... - TechRepublic

Hi; Here is my question. I want to fit a line to an exponential curve in excel, so I can't use the zero values that occur in my column data. In other cells in the spreadsheet I have calculated the ...


How to add a drop-down list to an Excel cell - TechRepublic

In web forms, surveys, and polls, it can be very useful to limit the choices for a selection with a simple drop-down list. This is also possible in an Excel spreadsheet, but the process isn't very ...


Adjust text to fit within an Excel cell - TechRepublic

Microsoft Excel's AutoFit feature is great when you need to resize a cell to display more text than the cell currently allows. But when you can't change the size of a cell to fit the text, this ...


10 ways to reference Excel workbooks and sheets using VBA

As you can see, HumanResources.xls is the active workbook, but the function is in a workbook named 0908002.xls. Figure B. Take advantage of ThisWorkbook's flexibility when you need to refer to the ...


Render SQL*Plus output in HTML - TechRepublic

Oracle's SQL*Plus query tool can create output as HTML tables in addition to plain text. The output format is controlled by the SET MARKUP command. Bob Watkins offers more details in this Oracle tip.


linking chart title (powerpoint) to cell in excel ...

hi guys please can someone explain to me how to link a chart title (powerpoint) to a cell in excel, i just can't seem to figure it out. your assistance in thi...


VBScript to open excel spreadsheet, update cell, save then ...

Hi all, I'm trying to write a script that will open an excel spreadsheet, update a cell, save the spreadsheet and then close it. I ...


10 places to recycle your cell phone - TechRepublic

AT&T has a trade-in program for unwanted phones and accessories regardless of manufacturer or carrier. The owner gets a "promotion card" which can then be used to take money off a new phone or ...


Locating cell-phone owners the non-GPS way - TechRepublic

Log Out. Locating cell-phone owners the non-GPS way ... All that's required is the cell phone's number. ... Also, I read this exploit only works on GSM. Aren't most mobile devices using more ...


How businesses can cut cell phone costs - TechRepublic

Once upon a time, workers had to depend on the availability of pay phones to stay in touch with their office, and that resulted in many missed opportunities.


How to combine text and dates in the same cell - TechRepublic

This is because Excel displays the actual date data entered into the cell until it's formatted. Thus, to show the data in A1 as a true date, we need add the TEXT function to change the format to text.


TechRepublic members sound off on company cell phone ...

A recent TechRepublic poll found that IT executives rely heavily on their cell phones, and they look at them not as a perk, but as a requisite of the job. ... TechRepublic members sound off on ...


Friday Yuk: Cell Phones and Stupidity - Page 3 - TechRepublic

I thought I would kick off the Friday Yuk with a funny commercial about cell phones and how people embarrass themselves everyday using th... - Page 3


Use Outlook to send e-mail to a cell phone - TechRepublic

Outlook is flexible enough to send e-mail to cell phones. You just need the cell phone's 10-digit number, the carrier's domain, and a cell phone that supports SMS.


Put your Excel data on the map - TechRepublic

Every self-respecting Excel user knows how to create graphs and charts. You enter some data, click the Chart Wizard icon, and you can choose from a number of different chart styles and options.


10 things you should never do in Excel - TechRepublic

I'm using Excel 2016 on a Windows 10 64-bit system. There's no demonstration file because you won't need one. Note: This article is also available in the free PDF 30 things you should never do in ...


Excel question - TechRepublic

Have standard w2k and office 2000 build on various PC's. Svce packs appear up to date. On one PC, an xls spreadsheet does not open. Ge...


Hyperlink in Excel with IF function - TechRepublic

I would like to know how to create a hyperlink within an Excel file that would move from either sheet1 or sheet2. For example, the hyperlink will take me to Sheet1 if the content in Cell A3 = A ...


Open Web pages in Excel - TechRepublic

You should never re-enter data if you don't have to, and in this case, ... open the Web page right in Excel, as follows: ... enters the transferred data from the Web page into the current sheet ...


excel - Search Results - TechRepublic

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