For Dead Island: Double Zombie Pack on the PlayStation 3, FAQ/Walkthrough by BlueYoshi579.
For Dead Island: Double Zombie Pack on the PlayStation 3, FAQ/Walkthrough by BlueYoshi579.
For Grand Theft Auto Double Pack on the PlayStation 2, FAQ/Walkthrough by glenster.
For Crackdown & Mass Effect Double Pack on the Xbox 360, FAQ/Walkthrough by Warfreak.
Over time, I intend to make this into a more complete guide, with alternate strategies, information on every single sidequest, and highly refined knowledge about everything this game has to offer. However, for now, the goal is to get a serviceable guide online. If I forget to update this section when it is more complete, please email me.
To get through one tier, you must invest three skill points in it, unlocking the next tier or convergence skill. Characters gain a single skill point each time they gain a level, and the maximum level is 50, making for a total of 49 skill points (as you don’t get one on level 1).
Levels, by comparison, are not unique to DI at all. Level is the basic measure of a character’s power. As players level, they acquire more health and skills, and gain access to newer and better weapons and items. As zombies level, they gain health and damage and more types of zombies will appear as the story progresses.
For Dead Island: Game of the Year Edition on the Linux, FAQ/Walkthrough by BlueYoshi579.
Quick Start Guide ( ) / / A short walk through your first game of DDM / \_/ \_/ Note : This is an introduction to the Japanese version of DDM, and will hopefully introduce you to DDM, and teach you everything you need to know, in order to play the game in Japanese.
Kinect Disneyland Adventures - XBOX 360 Version 0.6 - Updated Jan 25 2012 By Jorden Clarke - jordenclarke at hotmail dot com (please not due to the infequent updates of this FAQ I will credit the first person who helps me with a missing item around the park, as long as it has not been found.
For Mario & Luigi Double Pack on the 3DS, Level-Up Stat Charts by Eevee-Trainer.
User Score. 6.7. Mixed or average reviews - based on 429 Ratings. User score distribution: ... the minimap is constantly navigating you in the wrong direction etc etc, There are many glitches that are so debilitating enough to keep you from progressing in the campaign. ... try this game b4 you dish out retail or trade in a bunch of games toward ...
For Dead Island on the Xbox 360, GameFAQs presents a message board for game discussion and help.
Pull out the weapon you want to duplicate and wield it. In digital fighting control scheme, hold the left trigger as if to throw the weapon, hit the Y button at the same time as you pull the right trigger to throw the weapon, if you time it right you will throw your weapon and drop a second copy at whatever the current durability of the weapon you dropped was.
During the second and third part of this battle she will try to trick you a bit by making two images as if she is about to do her Thrust Attack, but she will then do her two hit combo. Keep using Slow and RHOH or Slow punches to take down her life. Congrats you have finished Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble!
Zombie Hunt: Free Zombie Games for Android ... Scientists at the secret research facility CS Pharmaceuticals were able to achieve significant advancements in modern warfare to create a new kind of ...
Mega-Monkey: to get the club card, get a biscuit from the biscuit barrel, open your inventory and eat the biscuit (parrot icon on biscuit), you get maggots. Use the maggots on the gross chicken, and you got the club card. Also get the pie pan and the biscuit cutter.
Align the green line with the red one and confirm your action when you think you have found the precise match. Repeat until all lights which previously have been red have turned green and then be quick to either press the x button (you might need to press it twice before the game accepts it) or the triangle button (quicker option).
Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix Walkthrough John Mullins has a dirty job to do, but you'll see him through it in GameSpot's Soldier of Fortune II guide.
Boss time! BATTLE: PROTOMAN (Team Protoman) HP 300 Protoman moves randomly around the screen and has two attacks. He'll either use a WideSword or a HeroSword, which hit either across one column or one row ahead respectively. As his HP drops, he may start to move into your field before slashing.
Walk over to the librarian, talk to her, and say "Hi, I'm looking for a book", say the same thing again after she tells you to whisper, and then follow the dialog options through to get a temporary library card. Use the card catalog, look in the C D drawer, and find 'Disasters' (Should be a the back, on the left). Say "Hmmm.