It´s like saying 100% want to have a million-dollar in their bank when only 5% does something about it. ... And what do they use for predictions? They use state polls which there are news stories ...
It´s like saying 100% want to have a million-dollar in their bank when only 5% does something about it. ... And what do they use for predictions? They use state polls which there are news stories ...
zxxcman posted... You might end up actually wanting duplicates of the ones you'd be actually using. If the set bonus that you can awaken is the full skill, you might want the same weapon to have multiple options, like one with Master's Touch and another with something more comfy, y'know, and unlike the current augment system, it seems that hot swapping the awakened skills isn't going to be an ...
A new study found patients whose income dropped by 50% or more were 17% more likely to suffer from a cardiovascular event ... a health system that includes over 2,600 hospitals and health care ...
EPR-radar 4 months ago #31 I don't think Reagan was Satan because I don't believe in Satan. But Reagan was a real grade-A piece of s*** president, starting with colluding with Iran on getting the hostages released for maximum R political advantage and going downhill from there.
The Democrats may have been the main attraction on Primary Night in New Hampshire this week, but Republicans also voted in their primary, and CBS News polled them on Tuesday, too.
For PlayStation 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Republicans could learn a LOT from Joaquin Phoenix" - Page 3.
Grassroots Republicans still intent on shaking up the GOP. By Stephanie Condon ... (FFC), said to CBS News ahead of his organization's "Road to Majority" conference this week. ...
Ifin I didn't get a kiss from 3 grandmas or a long handshake from 3 grandpas at church, I wasn't at church. All for profit and profit for all. Giants and Yankees! User Info: -Kicksave--Kicksave-1 month ago #39. I see more Democrats pushing this narrative on these boards than Republicans.
More in Campaign 2016 “As we’ve gotten more results overnight and this morning, it’s clear that we have maintained the lead and have won this race,” Hassan said in a statement Wednesday.
Trump tweets that Republicans aren't doing enough to protect him. ... Chicago judge approved two search warrants that would give access to files associated with the actor's Gmail address and ...
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., a former chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the richest member of the House, announced in January he would be leaving Congress after ...
China treats 2 people with a highly contagious form of the plague Officials in Beijing confirm rare cases of deadly disease, leaving residents of the densely-packed capital city with some ...
Republicans thought they were winning Kavanaugh argument. Then Trump tweeted. By Caitlin Huey-Burns September 21, 2018 / 1:34 PM / CBS News
Republicans and the immigration divide. ... 2015 / 6:00 AM. ... The battleground state of Wisconsin was ordered to remove more than 200,000 people from its voter registration lists. A judge says ...
House Republicans have introduced bills for a second phase of tax cuts, after the Trump administration announced plans to pursue "tax reform 2.0" as a follow-up to last year's legislation.
Republicans on House Intel Committee call on Chairman Adam Schiff to resign. Since special counsel Robert Mueller did not find that Trump campaign associates had colluded with the Kremlin ...
The three senators announced the SUCCEED Act (Solution for Undocumented Children through Careers Employment Education and Defending our nation), which they called a "fair and compassionate" merit ...
Republicans see Trump calling on country to respect flag, while Democrats see a president dividing groups, according to latest CBS News poll
President Trump's budget hasn't been released yet, but that's not stopping some of Capitol Hill's most important Republicans from giving it a cold shoulder.
Obama pressures Republicans to pass student loan bill ... as a way to pay for initiatives like lowering student loan interest rates and increasing the minimum wage. ... Congress to pass that bill ...