Windows DNS servers are the lifeblood of a healthy network; here is a one-liner that can give you a stronger audit trail and be more attractive than a full restore of your DNS server.
Windows DNS servers are the lifeblood of a healthy network; here is a one-liner that can give you a stronger audit trail and be more attractive than a full restore of your DNS server.
Create a new discussion. If you're asking for technical help, please be sure to include all your system info, including operating system, model number, and any other specifics related to the problem.
This process shows you how to export your passwords stored in Chrome into a CSV file, so that you are able to import your account credentials into a password manager. However, there's one big caveat.
The pre-requisite for using java utility to have java version 1.7 installed on the system ... ...
I have installed a perl cgi script in the cgi bin on my server (fasthosts). I am trying to get it to write the contents of 3 variables to a text file (info.txt)...
phpMyAdmin offers one of the easiest ways to import and export databases on a MySQL environment. Follow along with Jack Wallen's phpMyAdmin tutorial.
Hi, I have been working on a project which requires me to export the data from a jsp page to a Microsoft Excel sheet. Can any one help me how to configure the connection and do the above task.
Once you know how it works, you can then run the process on your production databases. To create the test database, log into the MySQL prompt (of the initial server) with the command: mysql -u root -p
Office of Government Contracting & Business Development. July 2013 ... economically disadvantaged small businesses, including NHO owned enterprises. This guide is ... Small Business Development Center -
Create a new discussion. If you're asking for technical help, please be sure to include all your system info, including operating system, model number, and any other specifics related to the problem.
Microsoft Excel's AutoFit feature is great when you need to resize a cell to display more text than the cell currently allows. But when you can't change the size of a cell to fit the text, this ...
If you are planning to extract text from the images or pdf's for FREE, then you should seriously try these Free Online OCR tools. Here's the list of top tools to extract text from Images online:
On Chromebooks, enable the on-screen keyboard to access the built-in Chrome OS speech recognition system. Google Docs on the web: Add-on. A third-party Add-on for Google Docs on the web also ...
This is because Excel displays the actual date data entered into the cell until it's formatted. Thus, to show the data in A1 as a true date, we need add the TEXT function to change the format to text.
Brien Posey highlights five text-to-speech applications. Alive Text to Speech window. The tool also features an add-in for Internet Explorer.
If you want to parse strings such as "First Last" into separate columns, you don't need to use fancy formulas. Excel has a tool that makes the job a snap.
by Susan Harkins in Microsoft Office , in Software on August 15, 2011, 3:56 AM PST There are many ways to select Word text - 15 at least! Susan Harkins shares her favorite selection methods. ...
Hi, so a month or two ago I was purchasing something off the internet, and I had to input my "Verified By Visa" password, but I knew I would forget it so I put it into this PFX format, knowing ...
I have a transaction log that has 438 megs in it. I tried to reduce the size but I don't think I did. I did "DBCC shrinkfile/emptyfile". ...
IF DBCC OPENTRAN indicates that your oldest active transaction is a replicated one and it has been open for a significant amount of time, this may be your problem. ... the amount of active log ...