Help with an Internet problem - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

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Help with an Internet problem - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

Hey guys. I assume that you, like me, learned a lot about dealing with net issues while struggling to play video games. I'm not a part of any forums o


Giant Bomb's Gunpla Build Club - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

(Artwork by @aurahack on Twitter!)Hallo and welcome to the Giant Bomb Gunpla Build Club, inspired by Austin has his love for Gunpla. What is Gunpla? W


On Nearly Getting Struck By A Car - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

While I'm no stranger to being hit by a motor vehicle under controlled conditions, today was somewhat different. While crossing a downtown Montreal


Brycce 5 Art - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

anyone use this program I mainly use it for making desktop backgrounds heres a couple.captioncaption


Ever given up on an exam? - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

I may have given up on an exam on high school but it was because I didn't have the motivation to care. Looking back, I was being pretty irresponsible. I should have looked at it as I look at my college work and exams. Trying to look at your school exams and work as a job.


Pseudocode - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

Now I can write just in pseudocode but I do think it is a bit of a superfluous step, especially in basic IT classes where the basics are all you need to know. They are actually getting rid of the pseudocode components of some of the classes I took this year next year at my school.


Which bank do you use? - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

Right now I'm using Wells Fargo. May switch to chase or Bank of America for more ATM access though.Which bank do you use or recommend?


My problem with PC gaming - PC - Giant Bomb

I've recently taken a trip to China for the summer and left my PS3 back in Canada. I'll be here for four months, so I decided to try out some PC games


why do you smoke the purp dog? - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

@GoodKn1ght said: " I have a job...for the government, i can't really smoke because i like my job, plus it makes you stupid and this is clearly not the place to discuss this go somewhere else or get a job and stop'll end up broke.


Want to learn Japanese? - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

Then head on over to Giant Bomb's sister site, Anime Vice and get in on the ground floor of FoxFireArt's anime lessons! Here is a nice convenient lin


Rude encounters - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

I had a prof at the technical college I went to be so unexpectedly rude to me on the first day that I withdrew from the class immediately. The class was just typical first day stuff, where she's giving everyone an overview of what we're going to do throughout the quarter. She came across like a real friendly sort; a very bubbly, positive ...


What is the Hardest Part of Your Job? - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

Hardest part of my job is having steady work. I work freelance on a per project basis usually, so I usually only work for a good 3 months at a time and look for a new gig after which can take a month or two. The vacations are nice however having to save money for a bit to ensure I can live for a month without work is annoying.


I am a fan of lame jokes. - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

I propose we start a lame jokes thread. You know, something you'd laugh at but only because of how ridiculously tame or obvious the punchline is. I'


Credit Card? - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

So I'm a huge noob when it comes to anything technical with money/banks/cards, but I'm looking for a simple credit card and I know these usually come


I'm 20 and live with my mother. - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

Is that a bad thing? Oh and I'm going to University and have a job. The only bill I pay is the car insurance for my car. It's under my name so its hel


Points2shop is schweet!!!! - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

if you guys havent heard of, why havent you! check it out. it, honestly, it freakin' amazing!!! i cant really explain it in a way that


Support Net Neutrality - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

In Tennessee, AT&T employed five times as many lobbyists as Google did last year—25 to Google’s five. Now imagine being a small business trying to deliver a quality alternative. It's not going to happen.


I Just Tried Balut for the First Time - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

So I just tried Balut for the first time. I go out of my way to try weird foods, but wow, the texture is just horrendous. It tastes like a hard boiled egg that's gone slightly bad and there was a slight funky crunch in the middle.


Do you say college or university? - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

I personally say university. A lot of people here in the USA say college regardless of if they are going to ITT Tech or a community college or an actual university. What do you peeps say? Do you feel their is a difference between the words?


Commute to work? - Off-Topic - Giant Bomb

When I used to work at the university where I got my undergrad for awhile after graduation, it was like a 7 minute walk. I lived like a block off of campus, so that was pretty great. Now that I have a job as a chemist, its about 17-20 minutes each way.
