Click OK. The 0 values still exist; you can see them in the Format bar, but Excel won't display them. This method has little to no impact. For the most part, the chart treats the 0 values as if ...
Click OK. The 0 values still exist; you can see them in the Format bar, but Excel won't display them. This method has little to no impact. For the most part, the chart treats the 0 values as if ...
Comparing lists for duplicates is a task that often has many variables. You can compare values in the same list or you might want to compare one list to another.
My Excel 2000 user opens xls with charts that all have truncated x and y axis labels in regular view. In print preview they are all disp...
After you know the size of your chart window, embed a scroll bar into the dashboard sheet. You could work in the same sheet as the data, but because we're simulating a dashboard environment, we'll ...
For example, your sales figures are in general format, but you want them to be in currency format on the chart's value axis. To change the format, follow these steps: Double-click any number in ...
Log Out. Place multiple charts on a chart sheet in Excel. ... Select the first chart you want to move to the chart sheet, and go to Chart | Location. Select As Object In, and choose Two Chart ...
In the Number tab, select the desired format (e.g., Number) and click OK. Now when you enter the values that have more than 12 characters they will be formatted as numbers and not scientific notation.
Duplicates aren't bad, but you may need to know how many times a value is repeated or how many unique values are in a data range. Here's how to tackle these tasks in Excel.
When you want to total the amount of sales from your top 10 performers, you usually would have to sort the data first, then use the SUM function to add up the first 10 values in the sorted range.
Although zero values are valid, you might need to hide them. Here are three methods for hiding zero values in an Excel sheet.
Excel's MIN() and MAX() functions return the minimum and maximum values, respectively in a range. They're easy to implement when evaluating a complete data set, but what if you need to know the ...
Excel's MIN() and MAX() functions return the minimum and maximum values, respectively in a range. They're easy to implement when evaluating a complete data set, but what if you need to know the ...
The trick to displaying the adult-preference percentage is to treat the value as a series. But first, create the chart as you normally would (in Excel 2003):
Are you constantly changing your Excel chart's data range as new information becomes available? Mary Ann Richardson shows how to set up the chart to automatically update as you add new rows of ...
There are many ways to enhance a chart's default setting, but using custom markers is one of the easiest. You can use clip art or shapes. You can even go to the trouble to create your own graphic.
To change the chart's type, right-click the chart and choose Change Chart Type. Or, click the Design tab and select Change Chart Type in the Type group. ... Mobile User Agreement. A ZDNet site ...
hi guys please can someone explain to me how to link a chart title (powerpoint) to a cell in excel, i just can't seem to figure it out. your assistance in thi...
If an Excel chart's vertical axis is incremented by 20,000, and most of its data points are between 70,000 and 550,000, the chart will look somewhat crowded at the top if the horizontal axis ...
First, let's change the axis number format, as follows: Right-click the Axis area and choose Format Axis from the context menu. If you don't see Format Axis, right-click another spot.
Java Server Pages, SQL, HTML Forms and Databases This section examines how to communicate with a database from Java. We have already seen how to interface an HTML Form and a JSP.