-Save = Save a track to the disk. -Rename = Rename a track file. -Delete = Delete a track file. -Copy = Copy a track file from one F-Zero X Expansion Disk to another. 4.4 Entry Menu ----- The fifth and last menu in the editor, it lets you add tracks into the "Edit Cup". Like the other F-Zero X Cups, you have 6 track entries.
-Save = Save a track to the disk. -Rename = Rename a track file. -Delete = Delete a track file. -Copy = Copy a track file from one F-Zero X Expansion Disk to another. 4.4 Entry Menu ----- The fifth and last menu in the editor, it lets you add tracks into the "Edit Cup". Like the other F-Zero X Cups, you have 6 track entries.
We have an entirely different battle simulation which is fun to watch the first three times and after that annoys you or breaks your game. The sound qualitly of the in game music is somewhat odd, but I don't know if it just applies to my version. There's a new concept for the romantic part, which seems to be one strong point since it was taken ...
A: The world may never know. Q: What programs did you use to translate Rebirth and edit those spiffy little videos of yours? A: I use three main things when I translate: a NDS program called Kanji Sonomama Rakubiki Jiten to decipher Kanji, Jim Breen's Online Japanese-English dictionary for definitions, and dictionary.com for sentence variety.
So yes, technically this means that Rebirth will always have a chance at getting localized. So what's the bad news then? Well, right now, the trademark for Rebirth is listed as "abandoned," which is what happens when a company fails to file the appropriate paperwork and/or pay the fees associated with keeping a trademark active.
For Diablo II includes Expansion Set on the PC, Terminology Guide by Sashanan.
For Tales of Destiny 2 on the PlayStation 2, Translation Guide by Tales-Umbreon.
For Grandia on the PlayStation, Translation Guide by Alent.
応援団 Manga Panel Translation Guide By "Ouendan_Fangirl" Stephanie Lauber ([email protected]) Version 1.00 ===== **Note: There is Japanese text in this document. It is in shift-JIS format (created in JWPce 1.50), so you may need to change the encoding on your Internet browser to view the text correctly.
As far as levelling is concerned, 1.10 and 1.11/b are identical in gameplay and experience. This guide will be updated as new patches are released. Battle.net recently made it possible to trade unique charms in the trade screen on their servers just after 1.11b was released to make trading with them less risky.
Select 'はじめから Begin' when you would like to start playing from the beginning of the story. Enter a name of up to five characters in length for the main character when you start the adventure. [Red] Name Input [Red] Symbol Selection - You can change which type of script to enter and change to entering smaller characters.
For Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus on the PC, Translation Guide by gogo7188.
For Xenogears on the PlayStation, Perfect Works Translation Guide by int.
When you find a new Answer Card, check your Answer Cards book and read the riddles you've heard to see if you can figure any out and go open them. This will save you a lot of time rather than going back to every door once you have a card and trying every combination of cards you have -- especially once you get many cards.
SENGOKU BASARA 2 CHARACTERS' STORY TRANSLATION by OboroTennosuke (Nobunagatooyaji600 at live dot jp) and Tengumaru (thekazekage at gmail dot com) Revision History V1.00 (10/08/2008) Compiled all of the stories into one FAQ.
サクラ大戦 - Sakura Taisen (Sakura Wars) - Disc 1 The Unofficial "Translation FAQ" by Lando/MRA. Script (c) MRA 1998. Sakura Taisen (c) Sega Enterprises, LTD. 1996 (c) RED 1996 This translation faq contains some Japanese text in Shift-JIS format.
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Press A on the DS to connect it to the Wi-Fi Connector. After a few seconds, you should get a pop-up on your computer saying that a user wants to connect to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Open up the Registration Tool by double clicking the WFC logo, and you will see a list of DS's that are trying to connect to your computer.
Open up the Registration Tool by double clicking the WFC logo, and you will see a list of devices (keep in mind, the Wi-Fi Connector works with both the DS and the Wii, so you will see both on this list) that are trying to connect to your computer. To identify individual consoles, the list shows the nickname that the user entered on that system.
6) The person with the fastest connection should start the game. 7) Playing during off-hours, when your provider is usually the fastest, is a good idea. 8) Keep trying to start the game a few times. The first time often doesn't work. 9) Use a provider that has a fast connection to the Internet. T1/T3 accounts work nicely.
Step 2 - Lower your taxes to 0%, and lower your coverage of your Police, Fire, and Transit to 0% as well. Step 3 - When the annual income report appears, hold the L Button down, and Go With The Figures. Step 4 - Still holding the L Button down, go into the Information Menu, and select TAX.