Mewtwo Games - Giant Bomb

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Mewtwo Games - Giant Bomb

Mewtwo is considered to be one of the best Pokémon of all time. He is the main antagonist in the very first pokemon movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back. Mewtwo is a bio genetic clone of Mew.


UFC Games - Giant Bomb

UFC 2009 Undisputed is a mixed martial arts fighting game developed by Yuke's Osaka, developers of the WWE SmackDown! games. It is the first UFC game to be released under the licensing agreement signed with THQ.


Ziz Games - Giant Bomb

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Sai Games - Giant Bomb

A ninja from The Hidden Leaf Village. A member of ANBU's Root division and teammate of Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno within Team Kakashi.


War Games - Giant Bomb

War is a series of organized conflicts carried on by force of arms between two or more nations or groups. Whether it never changes or has already changed is up for debate.


No HUD Games - Giant Bomb

No HUD games are ones that either lack a Heads Up Display, or find a way to integrate it into the game environment. Many games do this to add a sense of immersion or artistic quality to their games, or to reduce screen clutter.


8-bit Games - Giant Bomb

8-bit can be a reference to actual computing power, or it can be a retro look for videogames that want to recall a bygone era.


NMK Co. Ltd. Developed Games - Giant Bomb

NMK stands for Nippon Microcomputer Kaihatsu. This edit will also create new pages on Giant Bomb for: Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along with your edits.


Lucario Games - Giant Bomb

Pokémon Black and White are the fifth generation of Pokémon games for the Nintendo DS. Both introduce several new game play innovations to the series including a more complex battle system, fully-animated 3D models and environments, extensive online integration, and a refresh of the entire selection of Pokémon.


Human Games - Giant Bomb

Humans are bipedal, sapient primates capable of abstract reasoning, language, and emotions.


Dropship Games - Giant Bomb

A dropship usually refers to a ship that ferries troops, heavy armor, and supplies from carriers in orbit to a planet's surface. Sometimes it refers to any futuristic in-atmosphere transport that is not a helicopter or airplane.


Pizza Games - Giant Bomb

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Training Lair is a free Xbox 360 Kinect game based on the 2014 film. The game is sponsored by Pizza Hut and features their advertising. Players will have the opportunity to use all four of the Ninja Turtles weapons and swipe at on-screen items for maximum ninja training.


Panzer IV Games - Giant Bomb

A World War II strategy game with a focus on small scale skirmishes. By combining RPG elements like inventory management, action elements with direct control over units, and the tactical depth of games like Jagged Alliance, Soldiers proved to be ahead of its time.


LGBT Games - Giant Bomb

An umbrella term for any sexual orientation or gender identity that is not straight.


Beyblade Games - Giant Bomb

Beyblade VForce: Ultimate Blader Jam November 14, 2003 GBA; Ultimate Blader Jam is not like the other Beyblade games where you spinbattle, instead your goal is to move your beyblade through a map to the end.


Charmander Games - Giant Bomb

Pokémon Black and White are the fifth generation of Pokémon games for the Nintendo DS. Both introduce several new game play innovations to the series including a more complex battle system, fully-animated 3D models and environments, extensive online integration, and a refresh of the entire selection of Pokémon.


Caterpie Games - Giant Bomb

Pokémon Black and White are the fifth generation of Pokémon games for the Nintendo DS. Both introduce several new game play innovations to the series including a more complex battle system, fully-animated 3D models and environments, extensive online integration, and a refresh of the entire selection of Pokémon.


Lyla Games - Giant Bomb

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Pervert Games - Giant Bomb

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Best Typing Games on PC - Giant Bomb

Best Typing Games on PC. ... Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey. Available on Steam. It's more of a Scrabble type game which I'm personally not a fan of but I'm including it in the list for completion and because other people seem to really like it. Looks fun and well made! Words for Evil.
