000webhost failed no such website after login - Stack Overflow

Related Login Informations

000webhost failed no such website after login - Stack Overflow

Your Login code does not have a valid path and the error is generated by your host that rejects the url because is invalid change the code like this:


Facebook login/logout website - Stack Overflow

I am trying to integrate facebook login logout in my website using facebook's PHP JS sdk. My problem is I cannot implement an independent ...


facebook login and logout from a website? - Stack Overflow

Where $facebook is the instance for the Facebook class.And as per your comments if you want to logout from facebook also then you need to ...


Website loaded into JavaFX Webengine - Stack Overflow

I succeeded in doing this by using the below code. I did not use your engine. ... setAttribute( "Value", "User_Name" ); System.out.println(login.


ASP.NET Web API Login method - Stack Overflow

5 Oct 2016 ... http://bitoftech.net/2014/06/01/token-based-authentication-asp-net-web-api-2- ... This means that you can send a request for an access token, example request:.


Facebook login in angularjs - Stack Overflow

24 Feb 2017 ... I am creating facebook login functionality for my website, but I am having some problems. Every time I call the login function it shows the popup, ...


fb:login-button custom? - Stack Overflow

Yes it is <h1>Defaults</h1> <fb:login-button onlogin="Log.info('onlogin callback')"> </fb:login-button> <h1>autologoutlink</h1> <fb:login-button ...


login and validation in php with mysqli - Stack Overflow

22 May 2017 ... Here is how I would do this, with a more object oriented style <?php function login($username, $password) { require_once '../../dbpw.php'; $mysqli = new ...


Login to a jsp login page using python requests - Stack Overflow

import requests url = '' payload = { "Username" : "Your Username" "Password" : "Your Password" "LoginName" ...


naukri.com login fails every time - Stack Overflow

After driver.get(URL), use the following code. String URL1="https://www.naukri.com/nlogin/login"; String ...


What is the expected behaviour of Facebook login? - Stack Overflow

If the Facebook app native login dialog can't be displayed because there's an old version of the app, the Facebook app web login dialog is ...


How to create a login database in Android - Stack Overflow

9 Mar 2016 ... SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import android.util.Log; public class DBUserAdapter { public static final ...


Simple JavaScript login form validation - Stack Overflow

The input tag doesn't have onsubmit handler. Instead, you should put your onsubmit handler on actual form tag, like this: <form ...


create login and logout session in php and database - Stack Overflow

22 May 2017 ... Check, if username session is NOT set then this page will jump to login page ... header('Location: career.php'); } ?> And in logout page add one entry as - <?php.


Facebook login in mobile browser via Facebook app - Stack Overflow

Somwhere here already was answer, that due to facebook policy, now you can only use browser for auth in mobile apps. I'm not sure about ...


Why I cannot login to website builder? - 000WebHost

If you are unable to login to builder admin area or get errors with invalid license it may be that some files are missing. To fix it please reinstall website with builder ...


Cannot connect to database in jsp - Stack Overflow

18 Apr 2017 ... I am trying to learn the database connection in jsp page. Here is my code: ... Indicates that your parameters for connecting to mysql are wrong. Please check the ...


Web Driver Exception - Stack Overflow

Firefox() driver.get(""). This exception occurs when I try to run a script for firefox.


How to log in in Sandbox Paypal Account? - Stack Overflow

The new developer accounts require that you first log in using a live PayPal account email address and password. Once you log in you can ...


Handling async in Python - Stack Overflow

You may want to look at the Twisted framework. "Twisted is an event-driven networking engine written in Python" It is specifically designed for ...
