Unable to Access Internet Websites (via IE) but connected ...

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Unable to Access Internet Websites (via IE) but connected ...

Hi, I am using a broadband internet access but now, I can't seem to have access to internet websites via internet explorer (am using Win XP Home with SP2).. but other programs such as Messenger ...


airport is connected but I can't access the internet ...

Turn Airport back on. Because you have removed a "known network", the Airport software will go through the connecting process as if this was a new network. Hopefully that will correct your problem.


Wifi connected but no internet access. Also there is an ...

1.faulty/wrong cable(coming from isp to your wifi). 2. ... For this you have to open browser goto http://portal.acttv.in and login with your userid and password .


connected to wifi but no internet access on HP laptop ...

I am connected to wifi but no internet access on HP laptop running Vista. My other devices including smart phones and Macbooks have no issues. I disabled firew...


[Solved] connected to wifi but no internet access on HP ...

I am connected to wifi but no internet access on HP laptop running Vista. My other devices including smart phones and Macbooks have no issues. I disabled firewa...


Computer connected to network, but NO internet access ...

my computer says its connected to the internet but i have no access. ie, aim, slingbox all things that need internet connection do not work. ive tried all of the obvious solutions (pinging ...


Unable to get internet access with Cisco ... - TechRepublic

I have enabled dhcp on the WIC interface and its getting a ip and can ping timewarners default gateway and dns servers. I configured the Fast Ethernet interface with IP.


Wireless connected but "No Internet Access" - TechRepublic

i have a 64 bit windows 7 desktop that uses a D-link (DWA-140) wifi usb dongle. It worked fine at another house but at home where my whole family uses the wireless with no problems (d-link router ...


IE : Unable to download * from *. Unable to open this Internet ...

Just like rymo said set Cache-Control: private , If your response header happen to have the Pragma :no-cache , you also have to change it to ...


Unable to open certain websites! Please Help! - May 2011 ...

Hello, I'm unable to open the following websites on my laptop: clicksor.com bidvertiser.com adbrite.com _____ Whenever i try to google the whole website nam...


Unable to access w3.ibm.com - IBM Developer Answers

Starting from this morning I'm unable to access w3.ibm.com and so all applications needing access to something starting with w3.ibm.com.


I'm connected to the internet but Steam says I'm not. Why ...

Whenever I try to load the game and I have to connect through Steam (which I hadn't even heard of before I tried connecting this game) it says I must be connected to the internet before I can run it, but I can run my browser on it at the same time and it still says I'm not connected.


Unable to connect, access denied - TechRepublic

All of users can print normally. sometimes the users can't print as the msg show "Unable to connect, access denied". If i restart the PC where the printer is connected or the users' pc, it becomes ok.


unable to access particular sites like yahoo,gmail ...

Dear Sir, This is to inform you that i am using tata indicom VData Card on my vaio Laptop and all configurations are updated but i am only able to open rediffm...


Unable to access network shared drives - TechRepublic

One computer (of course it HAS to be the President's) on my network cannot to any shared drives on the server. I will type the path (e.g...


Unable to access WEB-Config on a D-Link Wireless Router ...

Hi folks, WEB--DSL Router--DI524- PC's I have a DI524 W-AP connected to a DSL Router on my LAN using DHCP. I also enabled DHCP on the W-AP. Now I can't connect to the Router via WEBconfig(192.168 ...


Connected to Internet but no web pages - March 2010 ...

Hi, I hope someone can help me with my internet mystery. I have a Dell Vostro 200 desktop computer. It was new in August 2008 and runs on Windows XP Service P...


My laptop logs off/shuts down when connected to Internet ...

I have a HP g6 laptop. It's almost 2 years old and when/only it's connected to the wifi or even the cable Internet it logs off and shuts down after about 30seco...


Cannot access certain websites with IE7 HELP - May 2009 ...

Ok, I cannot access certain websites with IE7, and in AOL browser, I can access the website, but not the login. I have McAfee firewall, etc... and we just got...


Unable to ping the public IP of my 3G router from internet ...

Reporting: Unable to ping the public IP of my 3G router from internet This post has been flagged and will be reviewed by our staff. Thank you for helping us maintain CNET's great community.
