Andrew Yang - Your thoughts? - Political Gamers - GameSpot

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Andrew Yang - Your thoughts? - Political Gamers - GameSpot

I am a supporter of Andrew's. I think UBI is a great idea but it's not the only reason I support him. He is very much a common sense candidate and a majority of his policies kind of make you ...


Andrew Yang - Political Gamers - GameSpot

Going into this democratic race for the nomination, I went in trying to learn about each candidate and picking one that I thought best fit what I would like in a president. After seeing the recent ...


I can't relate to billionares - Political Gamers - GameSpot

I'd still vote for Bloomberg over Trump because of his record with health, education, and gun rights, but yeah, I agree. I really don't want another billionaire president for a long time to come.


US Retirement Crisis - Political Gamers - GameSpot

Each person can contribute up to 6k in an ira and up to 19k in a 401k for a total of 25k (unless you're a business owner, in which case you can use a SEP ira which allows contributions of just ...


Trump vs... sports athletes - Political Gamers - GameSpot

Yep, starting with him and his base lambasting Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the national anthem, referring to him as a son of a b**** (Duterte taught him well, I see) and calling for him ...


Impeachment hearings - page 26 - Political Gamers - GameSpot

This might seem a little early... but anyhow.Keep all talk related to the impeachment hearings here. Couple of sources for what we can expect (I think):1: Since launching their inquiry on Sept. 24 ...


The moral question of Trump - Political Gamers - GameSpot

Now a year on, it's taken a bit for me to reconcile the ramifications of the election of Trump. On these boards I mostly post replies about his character and the values he promotes. Identifying ...


Why do you hate China? - page 4 - Political Gamers - GameSpot

Hello.I am a British born Chinese. I studied, worked and lived in the UK for 37 years. My parents were born in HK. But I chose to move to China a few years ago, I spend half my time in HK and the ...


US Health Care System - page 2 - Political Gamers - GameSpot

A lot of what you say here is good, reasoned, discourse but I feel like it's a red herring to the topic. The fact is that the US is the richest nation the world has ever seen yet it still doesn't ...


John Mccain dead at 81 - page 2 - Political Gamers - GameSpot

RIP. We knew that it was coming after they announced that he was stopping treatment, but it is still going to be hard on his family. I know that this forum leans a little left, but one would hope ...


America Voted. The Climate Lost. - Political Gamers - GameSpot

America Voted. The Climate LostAn excerpt:Voters failed to pass a historic ballot initiative in Washington state to create the first-ever carbon tax in the United States. They rejected ballot ...


Andrew Yang has dropped out of the 2020 U.S. presidential ...

Pretty sure Bernie would be for it, since his entire platform is basically exponentially empowering government to put their boot on people’s necks, steal their money by force, and redistribute it in return for votes. He’s a communist.oh yes stealing wallstreets hard earned bailout money is a sure sign of communism.


Andrew Yang drops out of presidential race - CBS News

Andrew Yang dropped out of the presidential race Tuesday, shortly after the polls closed in the New Hampshire primary. "You know, I am the math guy and it is clear tonight from the numbers that we ...


Presidential candidate Andrew Yang explains support for ...

If a person is already getting more than $1,000 a month in government benefits, they could opt out of the monthly payment. Yang calls his UBI plan the "Freedom Dividend."


Pete Buttigieg vs Andrew Yang - Politics Message Board ...

Once we have been subsumed into the moral group of our choosing we, as a species, tend to out right reject ANYONE who doesn't fit within our own moral matrices. Which tends to be a problem because that create HUGE blind spots in our reasoning that prevent us from properly conversing with those outside of our groups and reject everything about ...


Andrew Yang universal basic income plan put to the test ...

But there is reason to believe that a universal basic income wouldn't ignite a wanton spending spree on jet skis and handbags. In Stockton, California, the local government is giving $500 prepaid ...


Are politics impacting your life? - Political Gamers ...

Regardless of the form of governments that emerged, it put no end to politics, politics is not the purview of democracies. Government derives from the governed whether they are slave or free, and ...


Real Socialism means everything is free - Political Gamers ...

From what i looked online.Communist regimes were mixed capitalist with socialistSocialism is probably the same in terms of regimes as in countries running it.In Marxist view point it would mean ...


Trump is raising your taxes today - Political Gamers ...

Reminder: Trump is raising your taxes todayA new tariff of 15% will be added to the cost of more than 40% of all consumer products imported from China on Sept. 1. That amounts to about $109 ...


UK diplomatic cables: Trump is a moron. - Political Gamers ...

I'm sure normal Americans with common sense and good judgement already know this, but even our staunchest allies clearly see that Trump is an incompetent fool. I'm willing to bet that most ...
